A message from WVNA President Wilson
Posted over 4 years ago by Julie Huron
Dear colleagues,
As West Virginia’s largest Nursing Association, we ask you to stay vigilant in protecting yourselves and your loved ones. Please wear a mask while you are in public. Masks are one of the three essentials to combat this Pandemic. It will help protect you, your loved ones, and the people around you.
We ask that you practice good hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently and for a minimum of 20 seconds. Use approved hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available. We also ask that you practice social distancing. Please stay 6 feet apart from each other. This includes while in a restaurant, visiting our state parks, or attending family and friends events.
As nurses, we need to be the example for the rest of our community. We ask our communities to continue to trust us and abide by these simple guidelines.
We want you to be safe this holiday weekend and beyond. We will continue to be on the frontlines, battling for our communities.
We wish you a Happy Fourth of July!
Joyce Wilson, RN
West Virginia Nurses Association