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Call to action HB2796

Posted about 3 years ago by Julie Huron

Call to action for HB2796

Please make calls or send emails asap to:

HB2796 is the WVNA Supplemental Appropriation bill and it is in the Senate Finance Committee, waiting to be placed on the agenda by Senator Tarr, Chair of the Finance Committee.  

The goal is to appropriate funding for Nurses who are sick & off work due to COVID-19.

HB2796 passed the House of Delegates with 97 votes.
We are requesting the Senate Finance Committee place this legislation on their agenda.

  • This bill expires $200,000 from the Board of Registered Professional Nursing fund (revenues come from nurse licensure fees).
  • The bill appropriates $200,000 to help WV Nurses who are still off work without pay due to COVID.
  • Remind them that this bill does not utilize taxpayer dollars with the Department of Commerce administrating the program.