Posted 12 months ago
Today's House Committee on Health and Human Resources - Agenda
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024, 3:00PM
Location: EastWing Committee Room 215.E
I. Meeting called to order
II. Roll Call
III. Acceptance of Minutes from February 8, 2024
IV. HB 4978 - Relating to clarifying the authority of appointed officials
V. HB 4911 - Relating to the sale of raw milk
VI. HB 5022 - Relating to increasing the amount of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine a person may purchase annually.
VII. HB 5105 - To eliminate the vaccine requirements for public virtual schools.
VIII. HB 5361 - elating to allowing influenza immunizations to be offered to patients and residents of specified facilities on a voluntary basis based upon recommendations of the Center for Disease Control
IX. Other Business
X. Adjournment
*agenda subject to change
Call to Action: Please call and email Delegates on the House Health and Human Resource Committee NOW and ask them to keep West Virginia’s school and childhood immunization requirements strong. Contact information for the the House and Human Resource Committee Delegates can be accessed here: https://www.wvlegislature.gov/committees/house/HouseCommittee.cfm?Chart=hhr
The following is a sample message that can be used for phone calls:
“Hello, my name is ___ and I (insert relevant information as applicable… am a healthcare provider, am a nurse, am a constituent of yours, and/or have a child in ____ school). I am calling to ask you to oppose any bills that would weaken WV’s school and childcare immunization requirements, such as bills that would allow nonmedical exemptions. I urge you to continue to protect West Virginia’s children and communities from preventable diseases by keeping West Virginia’s school and childcare immunization policies strong.”
Here is sample text that can be used in an email:
“Dear Honorable Delegate (insert legislator’s last name),
I (insert relevant information as applicable… am a healthcare provider, am a nurse, am a constituent of yours, and/or have a child in ____ school). I am emailing to ask you to oppose any bills that would weaken WV’s school and childcare immunization requirements.
West Virginia has been and continues to be a national leader with one of the nation’s most effective school and childcare immunization policies. In fact, four states mirrored their school immunization policies after West Virginia’s, following outbreaks of measles in their states.
West Virginia’s immunization requirements have resulted in high immunization rates among school-age children and low rates of vaccine-preventable diseases. Most importantly, they have saved lives. We are proud of this accomplishment!
We ask that you consider these impacts and continue to protect the health and safety of West Virginians by voting NO on any bills that would allow nonmedical exemptions, remove vaccines from the policies, or weaken West Virginia’s effective immunization policies in any way.
Your Name
If you need assistance or have any questions please reach back to us you can email Julie@wvnurses.org. We appreciate your willingness to protect West Virginians from vaccine-preventable diseases!